Kennedy-Donovan Center Demonstrated Excellence for CARF Accreditation

Foxboro, MA (January 27, 2022) – Kennedy-Donovan Center is committed to delivering high quality services to those we support. We are equally committed to maintaining a high level of quality standards for business practice. We are proud to demonstrate this commitment by achieving a Three-Year CARF Accreditation for Community Integration and Host Family/Shared Living Services.

What is CARF accreditation?

CARF International is an independent, nonprofit accreditor of health and human services providers in the areas of Aging Services, Behavioral Health, Child and Youth Services, Durable Medical Equipment, Employment and Community Services, Medical Rehabilitation, Opioid Treatment Programs, and Vision Rehabilitation Services.

KDC has demonstrated conformance to internationally recognized standards through service delivery, personnel and documentation. We take pride in achieving this high level of accreditation and strive to provide continuous quality improvement and a consumer-driven focus for the community.

Person-centered services

The people we serve play an active and vital role in the CARF accreditation process, from helping to develop the international performance standards to giving input on the quality of services they receive. Through accreditation, providers like us demonstrate our belief that all people have the right to be treated with dignity and respect, have access to needed services that achieve optimum outcomes, and are empowered to exercise informed choice. Kennedy-Donovan Center is pleased to join CARF in this mission.

About Kennedy-Donovan Center

Kennedy-Donovan Center is a 501(c)(3) non-profit human service agency providing a wide range of direct and supportive services to those facing developmental delays, disabilities and other challenges throughout Central and Southeastern Massachusetts. KDC’s 336 employees currently serve 7,500 children, adults and families living in 150 communities.

Crystal Park
Kennedy-Donovan Center
One Commercial Street
Foxboro, MA 02035