Independent Living
Community housing for young adults
All young adults learn to navigate lives of independence as they grow into adulthood. KDC empowers individuals to build skills and create opportunities for success.
Program Overview
KDC’s Independent Living is a community housing program to help young adults transition from long-term foster care into lives of independence. While living in an all-female or all-male private apartment, participants work with daytime support staff who help build their skills for employment, education, budgeting and household management.
Our Difference
KDC provides two fully furnished private apartments to meet the housing needs of individuals.
Services We Offer
KDC provides comprehensive support to assist foster care youth during the crucial transitional stage into adulthood. Length of stay is typically up to one year, when residents have achieved stability. Services include:
- Fully furnished home to support each individual’s unique pathway to success
- Comprehensive support from day-time KDC staff
- Life-skills building, including employment, education, financial, and household management
Who We Support
In partnership with the Massachusetts Department of Children and Families (DCF), Independent Living supports young adults ages 18-22 who have been in long-term foster care.
Staff Excellence
KDC serves as a collaborative partner in the journeys of foster care youths. We leverage our extensive clinical and community expertise to support their development at every stage to create pathways for success.